{ "currentVersion": 11.3, "cimVersion": "3.3.0", "serviceDescription": "The ParcelFabricTools service is used for supporting asynchronous Parcel Fabric capabilities.", "tasks": [ "Analyze Parcels By Least Squares Adjustment", "Apply Parcel Least Squares Adjustment", "Assign Features To Record", "Build Parcel Fabric", "Change Parcel Type", "Clip Parcels", "Copy Lines To Parcel Type", "Create Seeds", "Delete Parcels", "Divide Parcel", "Duplicate Parcels", "Merge Parcels", "Reassign Features To Record", "Reconstruct From Seeds", "Set Parcel Line Label Position", "Transfer Parcel", "Update Parcel History" ], "executionType": "esriExecutionTypeAsynchronous", "resultMapServerName": "", "maximumRecords": 2000, "capabilities": "null", "schema": { "json-schema": {"url": "https://conifer.gis.washington.edu/ArcGIS/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/System/ParcelFabricTools_GPServer/System_ParcelFabricTools/spec/json-schema.json"} } }